Books And TV

Work with a professional who has credibility

Brett brings a high degree of professionalism to your training and speaking events

A sample of brett's Books and TV appearances

Brett on TV

Brett's Interview On Time And Habit Creation

Bringing real-world skills and actionable insights to viewers

Maximizing Productivity

Flow State Science

The truth about habit creation and time

Good things Utah

Fun and actionable tips for business and life

Charity in his community

Featured on Profiles In Caring

The Sunday morning show featured Brett for his work in Utah.

A Fun Interview With Brett and Team

Brett and his team like to have people engaged and having fun.

Benefits of getting shape

How to make exercise more enjoyable

Group and individual activity in one setting

The Daily Dish


A Sample Of Brett's Books and Programs

They speak for themselves

Research, Create, Implement, Test, Repeat

I work diligently to craft and create my programs so they are valuable and highly functional to my family, friends, clients, and the general public.

I am always looking for feedback, so if you have one of my books or programs, please don't hesitate to reach out to me and tell me how they work for you.

Your feedback is important to me. - Brett Lechtenberg

Reclaiming The Clock: How to have more time, reduce stress and increase peace of mind in a century of Unparalleled distraction

Reclaiming the clock is a set of revolutionary concepts, ideas, and exercises designed specifically to help reduce stress, obtain more personal freedom, and design a more fulfilled life. The reader will learn the specifics of how to effectively manage time and energy to obtain virtually any desired outcome. The reader will learn to: master the daily time maze, create a personalized daily dozen of effectiveness, maximize their daily impact zones, and focus on their individual 5% of achievement.

The Anti-Bully Program: A Common Sense Guide for Families

The Anti-Bully program is a straightforward and insightful training program for families who have a child that is the target of a bully or are interested in minimizing their child's chances of being bullied.

Protecting Your Castle: A common sense guide to home safety and defense

Protecting Your Castle is the premier anti-home burglary and safety training program available to the general public. The program was created by nationally recognized family safety and empowerment expert Brett Lechtenberg. Protecting Your Castle is filled with straight-forward, simple, and empowering training that can be used by virtually any homeowner to keep their home, family and possessions safer.

The Anti-Cyber Bully Program: A Common Sense Guide for Families

Very clear and understandable, the Ant-Cyber Bully Program for parents and children is a must read for any parent who has a child that is the victim of a cyber bully. The training and tools outlined in this program gives the parents of a cyber bullied child a clear cut and easy to follow action plan, on how to help their child. The best part is you do not need extensive computer or smart phone knowledge to quickly and effectively use the material provided in this program.

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